Claire shares a little about her upcoming arm balance workshop - This Saturday!Hi fellow yogis, I am excited to be with you again this Saturday for another addition to our arm balance journey. This Saturday, May 12th, from 2-4 PM, we will be focusing on the transitions and where our power comes from. Is it our core? Is it our arms? Come to YogaWasi on Saturday to discover just which muscles we need to focus our energy on in order to fly and float. In this workshop, we will be moving slowly and consciously as we strengthen and deepen our practice. I can't wait to see you there! Feel free to reserve your spot on our Facebook event page. CLAIRE SAYS YOU CAN PRACTICE ANYWHEREIf you're unable to view this video, please visit the blog page. BE INSPIREDIf you're unable to view this video, please visit the blog page. New Promotions & DiscountsAny student of YogaWasi that either is Cusqueño or a resident of Peru with a DNI Card, is eligible to purchase a single class for 15 soles instead of 30 soles! Enter the upcoming winter season, happy, fit and healthy.
Guided Meditation VideoSometimes this video doesn't show up in the email version. Please view our blog on our website to see the video, or check out our Facebook page. The ScheduleArm Balance Workshop this SaturdayYogaWasi Students are AmazingYogaWasi has a new San Blas Practice Space within Inhala HostelInhala Hostel offers a community hostel experience, perfect for those looking to relax in a tranquil space and make new friends while exploring Cusco. Over the past couple of months, Alison Wonderland, the owner of Inhala Hostel, and I (Ashley) have been talking about how lovely it would be to provide yoga to tourists, expats and locals that also happen to be near the city center. Alison has a lovely little space available in her hostel and so after some preparation, we are finally ready to present our cozy space to the public. Inhala will host three yoga classes offered by YogaWasi starting MAY 22. We hope to see you there for any of our classes . Tell your friends or come by and say hi :) Our Beautiful Shared SpaceDirections to Inhala HostelLet your yoga practice be your guide...Practicing and teaching I’ve experienced resistance on various levels in myself and have observed it in the students I assist on a daily basis. Sometimes the resistance we face comes across quite clear as it screams at us for attention. Other times it sneaks up without a warning dressed in disguise. Resistance. It’s always around lurking. I’ve been fascinated with the topic particularly since I’ve felt it on a personal level over the past six months. It seems to run in cycles often making itself known more prominently at certain times than others. What I have found is acknowledging its presence no matter how much you wish it wasn’t there, even in the midst of feeling it... to simply show up... takes every bit of energy you have, but there is an opportunity for growth in the struggle. Afterward, when the clouds have cleared a wellspring of growth and expansion usually awaits on the other side of it. Allowing what is to be is one of the most arduous of internal practices we face on and off the mat. After we have experienced our honeymoon period from attaining the “goodies” of a constant yoga practice we notice that the feeling begins to wear off and then we become aware that some of the most extensive work is about to begin. This is the yoga. The goodies only give a small taste of the true experience. A fractional glimpse into the eye of the proverbial storm, but we have to go through the storm at some point and resistance is part of that storm. Not all situations will be ideal. There will be days our bodies will feel stiff, and our minds will feel as if it sits within the depths of hell. In turn, we may experience apathy and boredom as we are seduced by our expectations of how things should be. Of course, this is the play of the mind and the craving of the ego. There is really is no need to judge when resistance crops up because it is inevitable. However, what will we put in its place? A question worth contemplating. I know for me the practice has evolved and changed over the years. In the beginning there was an abundance of excitement and enthusiasm. Everything felt new and every challenge was something that motivated me to tread forward. I still feel this to some extent but more and more the focus rests in the quiet unchanging part of myself, because after awhile I realize that the body is in a constant state of flux and then ultimately impermanence is experienced. Change is always happening and acknowledgement of that makes the ride all the more graceful. The important thing to remember is the effort and steadfastness we put forth to practice as we rest in this quiet space of awareness is more important than any of the postural goodies we can acquire. Even in the midst of injury, apathy, boredom, fatigue, and depression, all these struggles must be faced head on and there is really no need to wish it were different. Everything in time passes. Grace happens when we let go of the need for it to be any other way. As a teacher it can be one of the most honest discussions I can have with a student. No, it won’t always be easy, and no it won’t always be fun, but I will tell you, it will be worth it. ~Ashley Cruz Originally posted on my Blessed Yoga Blog - 01/26/2015 Nishkama karma (nish - without + kara desire : karma action) is an action performed without a wish or desire for the "fruits," or results, of such action. The ultimate yogic ideal is to perform all actions without desire for personal gain, and to offer instead the fruits of all actions to God. Performing actions with the mind directed towards results increases ego and keeps us bonded to the idea of "I" and "mine," while offering the fruits of actions to God leads toward surrender to the divine will and liberation from the idea of a separate self. YogaWasi Students are Amazing!Promociones / PromotionsThese promotions are only until May 1st! You only have 1 week left! Taller / WorkshopJoin Claire Beiersdorf at YogaWasi and learn a variety of pranayama techniques. We will explore breathing techniques to boost your energy, clarify your mind, cleanse your body and exercise your mind.
We will start off the workshop with a gentle yoga practice and move into our pranayama practice. Finishing our practice with a yoga nidra (yoga sleep). Please message us with any questions. We hope to see you all there! 50 soles. We are offering a 40 sole price if you sign up ahead of time! Namaste! FACEBOOK EVENT RESERVATION LINK
A Fond Farewell from BreA fond farewell. To all of my students, I write to remind you that in this life we must practice many things. The most important practice; however, is the work we do within ourselves. It is my hope that over the past eight months I have ignited within you a passion to be yourselves. A passion to follow your instincts, to do the work, even when this is hard. This work I must do now for myself. The decision to part from YogaWasi and all of you was not by any means easy. I hold many memories of us with a smile. For now, I will take a trip to the US, a place I have not been back to for four years. I am not certain where the yoga path will take me and my teaching, but I sincerely hope you stay in touch. My Instagram is @namastebre, my email is [email protected]. I’ll be with you in spirit on the mat. Best, Bre A Letter from Ashley about ChangesI opened YogaWasi in August of 2017, and with that opening, many of you have gotten the opportunity to experience classes with Bre, as well as with a variety of other lovely yoga teachers that have come to Cusco to share their knowledge with you. However, as you may have read or noticed in the above schedule, YogaWasi is going through some changes of its own. For example, we are no longer able to offer classes at 7 am with Bre due to a lack of attendance. However, for those of you that were disciplined enough to attend a 7 am class, Mariana is still offering her beautiful and inspiring Kundalini Yoga class every Monday and Wednesday at 7am. I hope that you will give it a try. Kundalini is empowering and very energetic. It's perfect for starting your mornings out strong and centered. Also, as you have probably read, our lovely Forrest Yoga teacher, Bre is no longer able to offer classes at YogaWasi, as she has an adventure of her own that she needs to explore. I understand that change can be a bit scary. We get used to a certain class or person, and as a result, sometimes our reaction to change is negative. I'd like to talk to you now about that, about our plans at YogaWasi, and about my hopes for you and this studio in the future. For years, I was reluctant to teach yoga, always feeling I didn’t know enough. Even though those feelings are still present, after continual urging of students and yoga teachers, I finally began offering classes of my own in 2005. And now as of 2017, I offer to you and beautiful Cusco, YogaWasi… an organic unfoldment of my own practices, insights and reflections. As a normal woman and yoga teacher, I have found that the fullest expression of yoga is not just within a pose but within every aspect of life. Yoga exists within each action and every spoken word, and it is expressed through every thought. I suppose that many of you began to learn this while in classes with Bre, if you were lucky enough to take her class. It is our hope that you will continue your yoga journey in and out of the studio and that you will continue to allow us to guide you. Over the years, I have come to believe that a yoga teacher’s inner experiences, combined with an understanding of the deeper significance of yoga, creates a vibrational frequency that attracts students of a similar resonance… not to mention teachers. And here you are before me. And to me, you are all a blessing because without you I couldn’t manifest and create YogaWasi. We met for a reason. Me and You. Bre and You. You and the other teachers. I believe that reason is to continue to inspire each other in all ways. Among yoga’s other blessings: We learn balance within the polarities of opposites. As we learn the art of bilateral integration within the body, we also learn the same in life. We do not seek approval or cower under disapproval, real or imagined. As teachers and as students, we learn to stay centered in the midst of attachments and aversions, praise or blame, criticism or compliment. Through asana, we learn to give up goal orientation, to give our all to the present moment, and then to release it, as we learn to release in Savasana. We learn to let go of the past and come into the present moment within our classes and within our lives. So, regardless of these changes at YogaWasi, it is my hope that you will let go of any desire that things would not change, but instead, will be open to exploring new styles of yoga and new teachers that come and go through YogaWasi. As a teacher, I found that if I took on many classes and responsibilities and did not have time to deepen my own practice, it was possible to become dry inside and weary in body, mind, and spirit. I was feeling that weariness many years ago, until I was reminded by Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar: “Practice twice as much as you teach”. As I began to implement his advice, I discovered a wellspring of love and a true desire to serve. These words arose out of the depth of my soul: “To love is to go on teaching forever without growing weary.” You probably noticed that Bre had a very strong personal practice of her own. It showed in the way she taught and in her very being. On and off the mat. And now, she needs to leave to continue her own practice even further. She has expressed that she hopes you will continue yours as well. This is why I beseech you all to take advantage of all the other classes offered at YogaWasi, as well as the teacher workshops that I have arranged and intend to continue to offer weekly or bi-weekly. We are all in the flux of change; nothing is solid. And I ask you for your feedback and comments. Let me know what is working and what is not. Let the teachers know what they are doing well, or where they can improve. This is your studio, too! Through the practice of yoga, we can let our hearts convey our love of all humanity and the Divine essence of all creation. We do this when we caress our feet upon the earth in standing poses, when our toes and heels reach for the center of the sun in inverted poses. We can let our love for the Divine reflect in the ceremonious offering of our upper to lower body in forward bends. Asanas reflect the art and beauty of the communion of Self with the Universal. They help us release the impediments that shroud the light that is always shining. We are not “becoming One with” but realizing the Oneness that already is. This is the Union of Yoga. Blessing and pranams to you always, Ashley We Love Our YogaWasi StudentsUna Carte de RosarioEstimados Yoguis!! Me siento muy agradecida y honrada te tomar el asiento de Bre!! Desde mañana lunes 16 de abril compartiré mis clases con todos ustedes a las 9 am. Soy estudiante de Anusara Yoga y mis clases se basan en una filosofía tántrica, que afirma que todos tenemos una bondad innata y que no tenemos nada que buscar fuera; todo está dentro de nosotros y nuestra práctica será una expresión de dentro hacia afuera. Anusara Yoga no tiene una secuencia o secuencias fijas, los profesores estamos entrenados para elaborar secuencias por objetivos por lo que cada clase resulta una experiencia nueva. Los tipos de secuencias pueden ser por: Postura pico (toda la secuencia se diseña para lograr la máxima expresión de una postura específica), temática (toda la clase podría tratarse por ejemplo, de posturas de aves o animales en general), zona del cuerpo (la clase podría diseñarse para enfocarnos en abrir o fortalecer una parte específica del cuerpo), por Principio de Alineación (la clase podría diseñarse para enseñarle a los alumnos a entender un principio biomecánico específico de Anusara). Tenemos mucho por aprender, así que si tienes algún tema en específico, postura que te interesa, pídemela!!! Lo trabajamos!!! Te espero con el corazón abierto!! Namaste Rosario Taller/WorkshopTHIS WORKSHOP IS IN BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH. Promociones / PromotionsThese promotions are only until May 1st! You have two weeks left.
HORARIOWE LOVE OUR STUDENTSTALLERES / WORKSHOPSArm Balance WorkshopA great workshop for all levels. Arm balances are a super challenging, but rewarding part of the yoga practice. This class will focus on the strength and prep poses to get into fun, accessible arm balances. Great for all levels. 40 soles Sign up ahead of time as space is limited. Namaste! Un gran taller para todos los niveles. Los balances de brazos son una parte muy dificil pero gratificante de la práctica de yoga. Esta clase se enfocará en la fuerza y la preparación para obtener balances de brazo divertidos y accesibles. Ideal para todos los niveles. 40 soles Regístrese con anticipación ya que el espacio es limitado. Namaste! PROMOCIONESIf you are feeling depleted these days, this could be the perfect afternoon for you. We will be practicing yin yoga postures and breathing exercises to build and sustain energy. S/50 at the door S/40 if you sign up ahead of time at YogaWasi 14:00-16:00 I hope to see you all there. Namaste. EFT & YogaAre you looking for new ways to lower your stress hormone, cortisol?
Are you longing for a calm, quiet, mind? Are you interested in new ways of healing your body AND mind connection? If so, join us on Saturday for EFT TAPPING - THE SOLUTION Sofie will guide us through simple EFT techniques you can immediately start using by yourself - for your Self Price - 50 soles (try out - limited edition) 12 PM - 1:30 PM Info - Cat Atherton Born: UK Birthday: 15th February Languages spoken: English and Spanish My name is Cat, I’m from England but have been living in beautiful Peru for the last four and a half years. I left my office job in London for my “three-month trip” to South America in 2013, but fell in love with Cusco and never left. Like many others I was drawn to the yoga practice initially for the physical exercise. I’ve always been a fitness and sports person, mainly running, cycling and netball, and I felt that yoga would complement this. My spiritual journey then began around three years ago, which is when yoga took on a different meaning for me and little by little took a more prominent place in my life. I started meditating, learning about personal development and focusing on how to bring more peace, balance and happiness into my life. Yoga began to play an integral part of this, and every time I was on the mat I felt a calmness and centeredness that resonated through my being. After many years working in business analysis and management, both in the UK and Peru, I finally came to the conclusion there was something missing. Having studied mathematics, I’d convinced myself that I had to then pursue a related career. I limited myself to this for a long time, but since beginning on the spiritual path I started listening to and connecting with my inner voice, and realised there are no limits to what we can do, and must pursue whatever is it that makes our soul shine. This gave me the strength to dedicate myself exclusively to yoga. I completed my 200-hour teacher training in the Sacred Valley here in Peru with Inbound Yoga, and now want to share the practice with others. I like to teach a mixture of energising vinyasa flow and also yin-style classes. Someone once told me that even if they don’t know it, the reason people come to a yoga class is to be lifted up. This is what I remember and focus on in every class I teach, and is the motivation behind what I do. TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS
Donation Based Yoga ClassesWhat are donation based classes? Donation based classes are yoga classes offered by a new or experienced teacher, to the public, with the intention of sharing what the teacher knows with as many people as possible, regardless of social or financial class. How often will YogaWasi offer donation based classes? This week, YogaWasi is offering three donation based classes. There was one today, Monday. There is another on Friday at 12 PM and Sunday at 10 AM. For the rest of the month, a donation based class is offered to the public every Sunday at 10 AM. The teachers of YogaWasi will share the responsibility (karma yoga) for these classes, so the teacher teaching will rotate in and out. Please tell your friends :) ANYONE is welcome, including YogaWasi students. If you are a student with a class pass, please feel free to donate a little instead of using your class pass. What do I need to bring with me? Please arrive to class 15 minutes before the class begins. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a smile and excitement with you. Suggested donations are 10 soles, but the teacher is happy to accept whatever you can spare for his/her time, energy and effort. Updated ScheduleTalleres y Nuevas ClasesIf you are viewing this blog post from your email box, there is a slideshow found below, but it can only be viewed from our website. Please click here to view it and to learn about our upcoming new classes and workshops. Be Committed One life’s biggest challenges is to commit fully to something. However, the satisfaction you’ll feel once you do follow through with your commitment is well worth it. No matter what you commit to—a consistent yoga practice, a daily meditation, a healthier diet, more time with friends—you’ll feel good knowing you’re steadfast. HorarioEn YogaWasi |
Trae a 2 amigos a YogaWasi y obtendrás 1 clase gratis de yoga! Tus amigos obtendrán 50% de descuento de una clase! Una vez que traigas a esos 2 amigos, recibirás un cupón que será válido para tomar 1 clase, hasta 90 días después de que lo actives! Gracias por compartir amor! | Introduce YogaWasi to 2 friends and you will receive 1 free yoga class! Friends get 50% off a single class! Once you have brought 2 friends to YogaWasi, you will receive a 1 class pass which is valid for 90 days. Thank you for sharing the love! |
Unburden yourself and live leaner by letting go of things you don’t need. These could be physical things, like clothing you don’t wear anymore or clutter that complicates your space. Or, practice eliminating unnecessary worry or guilt you carry through your life. If you can release your hold on things that bog you down, you’ll feel leaner, lighter and more in control.
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En YogaWasi
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Trae a 3 amigos a YogaWasi y obtendrás 1 clase gratis de yoga! Tus amigos obtendrán 50% de descuento de una clase! Una vez que traigas a esos 3 amigos, recibirás un cupón que será válido para tomar 1 clase, hasta 90 días después de que lo actives! Gracias por compartir amor! | Introduce YogaWasi to 3 friends and you will receive 1 free yoga class! Friends get 50% off a single class! Once you have brought 3 friends to YogaWasi, you will receive a 1 class pass which is valid for 90 days. Thank you for sharing the love! |
Author's Message
El amor es la esencia de nuestra vida. He escrito este blog con amor, y te lo ofrezco, querido lector, con la esperanza de que las sugerencias que se ofrecen aquí se conviertan en una parte vital de su autocuración y bienestar continuo.
Love is the essence of our life. I have written this blog with love, and I offer it to you, dear reader, with the hope that the suggestions offered here will become a vital part of your self-healing and continued well-being.
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