Catherine Black Born – London, UK Birthday – October 28th Languages – English Growing up I played various of individual and team sports, and so yoga was introduced to me as a way to heal injuries and to rehabilitate my body. It did exactly this but it also made a huge imprint on my life. The more I practiced the more I found my breath, I found my mantra, my focus; and most importantly, I found my meditation. Through yoga, I found that asanas started to strengthen my body and I found that meditation started to heal my mind. I like to consider myself creative, having studied Textile Design and having worked as a freelance Artist in London for the design industry for several years (a stressful yet fulfilling time). So, I found that exercise and the exploration of my body were the only ways I could ease the stress of my 9-5 job. My creativity helped shape me and it continues to shape the way I work, the way I interact with people, and the way I pursue and follow my heart. I will never give it up. I now use yoga to aid me in living a more conscious and holistic lifestyle. I feel it is incredibly important to explore. Every day, every practise – I focus, I dedicate and I try to explore. I explore and create shapes and silhouettes artistically and it is through this art that then I have found that the healing and strengthening of my body and mind due to yoga continues to help create harmonisation and balance in my life and the world I live in. As a yoga teacher, my goal is to have students leave my classes refreshed and revived through intention, gratitude, meditation, pranayama, and asana. My classes vary: some are and fun and dynamic, others are more restful and restorative, yet both are always kind and inclusive. I bring a strong focus on breath awareness as well as a deep connection to the core. I always want to encourage and engage the mind into the body and thereby creating freedom of expression & energy. I have a deep fascination with the body, the way it works and ways in which we can all learn to treat it well. This fascination with well-being has led me to study nutrition and recognise the interconnection of body, mind and spirit - looking at the importance of treating the whole person rather than separate body parts, and thereby adopting a holistic approach to life. QUALIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS
Danhel Eguers Born – Lima, Peru Birthday – June 30 Languages – English & Spanish Daniel entró en contacto con los primeros aspectos de la experiencia yóguica mientras asistía a potlucks (reuniones para compartir comida) semanales de acroyoga durante sus estudios universitarios en el estado de Nueva York. Después de tan solo una vez de práctica, comenzó a sentir una sensación de fortaleza y bienestar que parece permear la percepción de uno mismo después de una práctica de yoga. Entonces, lo que comenzó como una manera de compartir y conectarse con otros, se convirtió en una ciencia aplicada de auto-estudio y abrió una amplia gama de oportunidades para profundizar la noción de lo que significa estar en unión. Después de profundizar en la práctica de yoga asana y el contexto filosófico del cual surgió, comenzó a explorar el cuerpo humano a través del estudio de la terapia de masaje y también comenzó a descubrir la superficie de lo que significa trabajar con la mente después de estudiar con maestros budistas de Diferentes linajes tibetanos. Él está muy entusiasmado por la oportunidad de participar en la transición de este antiguo conocimiento de oriente a "occidente”, o tal vez el mejor término sería "comunidad global". Él siente que estas prácticas, que ahora estamos recibiendo, tienen el poder de salvar a la pachamama aumentando nuestra noción de responsabilidad, interdependencia entre todos los sistemas vivos en la tierra, y la experiencia directa de la realidad, tal como es. Sus clases se centran en empoderar a cada estudiante para desarrollar su propia práctica mediante el desarrollo de un agudo experiencia de conciencia corporal y el reconocimiento de que no estamos solos en esta galaxia. Daniel came in contact with his first aspects of the yoga experience while attending weekly acroyoga potlucks during college in upstate New York. After his very first acroyoga experience, he began to feel the sense of strength and well being that seems to permeate one's perception after a yoga practice. Then, what began as a way to share and connect with others, turned into an applied science of self-study and opened up a whole range of opportunities for deepening the notion of what it means to be in union. After diving deeper into Yoga asana and the philosophical context from which it arose, he began to explore the human body through the study of massage therapy and also began to scratch the surface of what it means to work with the mind after studying with Buddhist teachers from different Tibetan lineages. He is very enthusiastic for the opportunity to take part in the transition of this ancient body of knowledge from east to "west", or maybe the better term would be "global community". He feels that these practices, which we are now receiving, have the power to save the earth by increasing our notions of responsibility, interdependence between all living systems on earth, and the direct experience of reality is, as it is. His classes are focused on empowering each student to develop his/her own practice by developing a keen sense of body awareness and recognizing that we are not alone in this galaxy. QUALIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS
Durante miles de años el yoga ha sido una herramienta para abrir la mente y el cuerpo, actuando como agente de transformación. Esencialmente, el yoga es un proceso que implica enfrentar tus límites y trascenderlos. Es un acercamiento psicofísico a la vida y al auto-entendimiento, que puede adaptarse creativamente a tu contexto y situación. El yoga te trasforma, deshaciéndose de las ataduras mentales y físicas que bloquean tu potencial y limitan tu vida. Quizás puedas creer que un cambio tan radical pueda convertirte en una persona tan distinta a ti que te arriesgas a perder a aquellos a quienes amas e, incluso, a ti mismo/a; sin embargo, la transformación que ofrece el yoga te acerca más a quién eres de verdad y te permite amar con más profundidad y sentimiento. Te pule y renueva de tal manera que tu verdadera esencia es revelada, al igual que un escultor talla una roca volviéndola una figura hermosa, apartando los restos pacientemente. Mientras limpio el polvo de los estantes cariñosamente y pinto las paredes, pulo y arreglo el piso de YogaWasi con mucho cuidado, no puedo evitar sentirme agradecida por la maravillosa oportunidad de crear este espacio de yoga para ustedes. De alguna manera, cada movimiento que me acerca a ofrecerles este espacio lleno de amor, cariño y gracia, se siente yóguico. Dar, dar y dar, con la esperanza de sacarles una sonrisa, de ayudarles a botar ese profundo y relajante aliento y, hacerles pensar, “sí, este es mi hogar de yoga”. Me siento renovada cada vez que pongo mis pies en la matra. Me siento renovada cada vez que logro respirar más profundamente en “asana”. Y me siento renovada junto al espacio que estoy creando para todos ustedes. ¡No puedo esperar para compartir el estudio con ustedes! A medida que voy terminando de renovar el estudio de yoga, no puedo expresar lo emocionada que estoy y lo ansiosos que tanto yo como mis colegas estamos de conocerlos. Mientras continuamos preparando el estudio, nos gustaría aclarar algunas dudas que varios de ustedes parecen tener:
1) ¿Cuándo se abrirá YogaWasi? Esperamos que la inauguración se realice el 22 de julio o el 5 de agosto. Nos estamos esforzando mucho para preparar el estudio y esperamos que sea perfecto, por lo cual nos ha tomado casi un mes terminarlo. 2) ¿Dónde está ubicado Yoga Wasi? Estamos ubicados en el Jr. José María Arguedas, en una esquina al costado del parque de Santa Mónica. Santa Mónica es una urbanización que se encuentra al frente de Magisterio. Actualmente, YogaWasi está en una casa blanca y negra, que forma parte de una organización cultural llamada AYNI. En el primer piso hay un magnífico estudio de baile. En el segundo piso hay un espacio compartido y, en la terraza, el tercer piso, encontrarás a YogaWasi. Eventualmente, colocaremos una señal que indique por donde ingresar al estudio. 3) ¿Cuánto cuestan las clases en YogaWasi? Los precios de las clases varían. Por ejemplo, una sola clase de 90 minutos cuesta S/ 30.00. Sin embargo, podrías adquirir un pase mensual y venir a cuantas clases quieras por un mes, dichos pases costarán S/ 300.00. También ofrecemos pases semanales, pases por 10 clases, etc., los cuales resultan más económicos que adquirir un pase para una sola clase. ¡Ah! ¡Tendremos ofertas especiales cuando abramos! Un pase mensual estará tan solo S/ 150.00 (¡50% de descuento!). La oferta empieza el día de apertura y estará vigente por 30 días desde entonces. Si quieres conocer todos los pases y saber cuánto cuestan cada uno, visita esta página --> 4) Qué tipo de clases ofrecerá YogaWasi? ¡MUCHAS! Yoga, meditación, el método de la barra, Pilates… Lo tenemos todo y casi todo el día, ¡todos los días! Chequea nuestras clases en --> 5) Soy un/una principiante. ¿Me puedo inscribir a YogaWasi de todas maneras? ¡POR SUPUESTO! Nuestros maestros tienen la habilidad de crear una clase que se adecúe a todos los niveles. Así tengas mucha experiencia o ninguna en absoluto, así seas joven o adulto, ¡puedes practicar yoga! Todos fuimos principiantes en algún momento. El único requisito es que vengas a clases con la mente y el corazón abierto, así como con un poco de fe y determinación. Si te gustaría saber más sobre el día de la apertura de YogaWasi, te invitamos a seguirnos en Facebook o inscribirte a nuestro noticiero semanal, que proporcionará datos como, la fecha exacta de la apertura, los horarios de las clases semanalmente y cualquier otra noticia o blog que queramos compartir contigo. Namaste Yogis. ~Ashley For thousands of years, yoga has been a tool to open the mind and body, bringing transformation. At its core, yoga is a process that involves confronting your limits and transcending them. It is a psychophysical approach to life and to self-understanding that can be creatively adapted to the needs of the times. Yoga transforms you by opening up the physical and mental binds that block your potential, limiting your life. Transformation is a process that brings newness and interest. You might think that changing deeply could make you so different that you’d lose touch with those you love and even yourself. Actually, the transformation that yoga brings makes you more yourself and opens you up to loving with greater depth. It involves a honing and refining which releases your true essence, as a sculptor brings out the beauty of form in the stone by slowly and carefully chipping away the rest. As I lovingly brush the dust away from the shelves, meticulously chip away paint from the walls, and buff and repair the floors of YogaWasi, I can't help but feel gratitude for this opportunity to create this heart and yoga space for you. In some way, each movement I make in the direction towards providing this space, a space filled with love, affection, and grace; feels yogic. Giving, giving, giving... with the hope that it will merely bring a smile to your face, the release of a deep calming breath, and the thought that, "Yes... this is my yoga home." It's a transformation, in and of itself. I feel transformed each time I place my feet onto my mat. I feel transformed each time I breathe a little more deeply in an asana. And I feel transformed along with this space that is being created just for you. I can't wait to share this space with you soon! * As I close in on completing the renovations of the yoga studio, I can't help but express how excited I am and how much all of us here at YogaWasi are looking forward to meeting all of you. While we continue to prepare the studio, we'd like to answer some common questions that have come up. 1) When will YogaWasi open? We are hoping to open either July 22 or August 5th. We are putting in a lot of effort to prepare the studio for you and we are hoping to make it perfect, which is why it is taking us three weeks to a month to finish. 2) Where is YogaWasi located? We are located on Jr. Jose Maria Arguedas. It's next to the park in Santa Monica and on the corner. Santa Monica is a neighborhood across from Magisterio. YogaWasi is currently in a large white and black home that is part of a unique organization called the AYNI Center. On the bottom level of the home, there is a lovely dance studio. In the middle, there are great coworking spaces. And on the terrace, which is the third floor, you will find YogaWasi! Eventually, we will have a sign that shows you where to enter the studio. 3) How much are classes at YogaWasi? Well, the prices of classes vary. For example, a single class, for 90 minutes, is 30 soles. However, you could purchase a month pass and come to as many classes as you like. Those passes are 300 soles. We also offer week passes, 10 class passes, etc... which are cheaper than buying an individual class each time. Oh! We will offer a special when we open! A month pass will only be 150 soles, so 50% off. That offer begins the day we open and will only be offered for 30 days from the opening day. If you'd like to know the cost and type of every pass, please view our website rates page --> 4) What kinds of classes will YogaWasi offer? LOTS! Yoga, meditation, barre method, pilates... we have it all AND! Almost all day, every single day. Check out our classes at --> 5) I am a beginner. Can I still practice yoga at YogaWasi? ABSOLUTELY. Our teachers are skilled enough to create a class to fit every single level. Whether you are new or experienced; young or old... you are able to practice yoga. We were all beginners once. All that is required is that you come to class with an open heart and mind, as well as a little faith and determination. If you'd like to know the exact moment that we are opening YogaWasi, please follow us on Facebook or sign up for our newsletter, which will provide you with our grand opening date, the weekly class schedule, and any other news or blogs that we would like to share with you. Namaste Yogis. ~ Ashley Stefanie Müller Born - Germany Birthday - March 5th Languages - German, Spanish, English Yoga has been in my life for about 10 years and in the last 3 years it became more and more important to my spiritual path as I started teaching Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga. I now have a 200 hours Yoga Teacher Alliance Certification from Inbound School (vinyasa) and 200 hours Yoga Teacher Alliance Certification in Karma Yoga. Yoga connects me with my body, heart, spirit, and mind as it is a beautiful way to express our divine beauty!!! Yoga helps me to ground myself and connects me to my center. It’s a beautiful and powerful practice to help students connect with the divine beauty of their soul through their yoga practice. I absolutely love seeing them grow while walking along their yogic path. As a yoga teacher, having a healthy alignment in a yoga pose is very important to me. And as an occupational therapist, I also love offering adjustments for students to make yoga possible for everybody !!! I love sharing yoga and my energy with students and I love creating a safe healing space during the class. About Myself: My name is Stefanie and I was born in Germany although I honestly never felt at home there. 3 ½ years ago I followed my heart to find my home somewhere else in the world. Peru called to me and I fell in love with this country, with the energy of nature, and with the mountains – I feel at home here, and this is the first time ever in my life that I can call a place “my home”. My professional path started in a bank and I worked there 8 years. Eventually, I discovered that I wanted to dedicate my life to healing work. I then worked 10 years as an occupational therapist at a hospital with patients who had brain injuries. I have experience working with paralyzed people, helping them heal enough to return to their daily activities. I have joined many different courses regarding holistic healing and trauma therapy and my passion today is to support traumatized people on their healing path. Yoga and trauma healing both help us come back into our natural life flow and as a result, help us connect, body, heart, mind, and spirit. In the classes I offer, it is my intention to offer all that I've studied in regard to healing via asana, pranayama and flows. Namaste Hermosa Lane Born - Australia Birthday - November 14th My name is Hermosa Lane, I am from Australia, I have a love for life and I am always smiling. I have a background in Business, but my spiritual practice began five years ago as a Vipassana meditator. Since then I have developed a deep love for Kundalini yoga. What I love most and would love to share with you is some of the amazing benefits kundalini has to offer. It balances your hormones, strengthens your immune system and the secretion of the central nervous system. It also gives you a beautiful shiny face. :) In kundalini we focus on breath, movement, and mantra, as well as the developing of personal energy and sensory awareness. Kundalini is a passion of mine and I have been teaching here in Peru since January. I would love to share the technology of kundalini yoga with you. QUALIFICATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS
Clair Beiersdorf Born - Peroia, Illinois, USA Birthday - March 28 Claire Beiersdorf enjoys yoga for the immersive experience. The movement of the body in sync with breath and music, the exploration of asanas, the self-education, the building of physical strength and internal calm. Claire has always been sporty and competitive and the discovery of yoga was a brand new experience: a way to train her body to move in ways she couldn’t even as a preteen gymnast, and an athletic pursuit where there was no competition, only a constant striving for self-improvement. Claire’s love for the practice of yoga led her to Cusco, Peru, where she completed her 200-hour certification at the InBound School of Yoga in 2013. As the practice of yoga has increased her physical strength and flexibility, the experience of teaching has increased her comfort in front of groups and made her a more confident leader, all of which she has carried with her into her personal and professional lives. In December of 2015, she returned to South America to complete her 500-hour certification at the InBound School of Yoga. As an instructor, Claire strives to bring energy and to encourage her students to experiment with their own practices. She wants her students to feel safe, inspired and to have individually rewarding experiences. Claire is truly thankful for what she has gained from the community, and is thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to it. |
Author's MessageEl amor es la esencia de nuestra vida. He escrito este blog con amor, y te lo ofrezco, querido lector, con la esperanza de que las sugerencias que se ofrecen aquí se conviertan en una parte vital de su autocuración y bienestar continuo. Categories
December 2023