Claire shares a little about her upcoming arm balance workshop - This Saturday!Hi fellow yogis, I am excited to be with you again this Saturday for another addition to our arm balance journey. This Saturday, May 12th, from 2-4 PM, we will be focusing on the transitions and where our power comes from. Is it our core? Is it our arms? Come to YogaWasi on Saturday to discover just which muscles we need to focus our energy on in order to fly and float. In this workshop, we will be moving slowly and consciously as we strengthen and deepen our practice. I can't wait to see you there! Feel free to reserve your spot on our Facebook event page. CLAIRE SAYS YOU CAN PRACTICE ANYWHEREIf you're unable to view this video, please visit the blog page. BE INSPIREDIf you're unable to view this video, please visit the blog page. New Promotions & DiscountsAny student of YogaWasi that either is Cusqueño or a resident of Peru with a DNI Card, is eligible to purchase a single class for 15 soles instead of 30 soles! Enter the upcoming winter season, happy, fit and healthy.
Author's MessageEl amor es la esencia de nuestra vida. He escrito este blog con amor, y te lo ofrezco, querido lector, con la esperanza de que las sugerencias que se ofrecen aquí se conviertan en una parte vital de su autocuración y bienestar continuo. Categories
December 2023